Film Music
Some productions
Here are a selection of feature films, documentaries and shorts Ivan Georgiev has composed scores for...
Rose Denis
Antonio Chavarrias
Ben McHugh
Dorothy A. Atabong
Jordan Urgin
Mourad Boucif
André Buytaers
Pascal Colson & Ken Rawlinson
Fabrice Couchard
Damien de Pierpont
Christine Delmotte
Marie Enthoven
Ewan (singer-songwriter)
Christophe Gaeta
Ivan Georgiev
Alain Guesnier
Yves Hanchar
Santos Hevia
François Kohler
Jean-Charles L'Ami
Erik Lamens
Hugues Lanneau
Philippe Lespinasse
Anne Levy-Morelle
Benoit Peeters
José-Luis Penafuerte
Rob Rombouts
Ronnie Ramirez
Serge Simon
Peter Jan Smit
Marc Urlus
Edith van Hove
Bob Visser
Micha Wald
Wim Wenders
Même pas le Chant des Oiseaux Short film, (2024)
La Abadesa (2023) Best Music Nom. in Malaga Film Festival 2024
Gregory (2021)
(Best Original Score award @ the New-York ISFF 2022)
The Eye of the Veil (2022, Best Film Scripted @ Yorktown Film Festival 2023, among other nominations)
My Niece, Zenzile (2022)
Prelude (2022, Best First Time Director @Berlin Indie Film Festival 2023, ECA European Cinematography Award, among other awards)
Les Larmes d'Argent (2007)
La Couleur du Sacrifice (2006)
La Chasse aux Truffes (2008)
Camilleri a la Siciliana (2007)
Foot Made in Russia (2018)
Foot Made in Brazil (2014)
Croit (2005)
Le Départ (1998)
Le Cycle (2001)
Naïve (2013)
Back on The Roads of Time (2017)
Empreintes (2018)
21 Shards of Diamond (2021)
Va, petite! (2003)
Huit en Jeu (1992)
Vaincu (2008)
La Vida de Maria de Magdala (2010)
Solvay, la pollution Invisible (2022)
Le Lama et la Turquoise (2000)
S'il te Plaît, Non! (2010)
L'Épopée Russe (2018)
Pour Mieux S'entendre (2004)
Stand Up! (1999)
SM-Rechter (aka Domination- 2009)
Waterloo, L'Ultime Bataille (2014)
Modus Operandi (2008)
Nyima et les Porteurs (2009)
Sur la Pointe du Coeur (2001)
Le Rêve de Gabriel (1997)
Le Dernier Plan (2000)
Aguaviva: El Abrazo de la Tierra (2005)
Los Ninos de la Guerra (2001)
Perm-Mission (1999)
Un Mundo Ausente (2004)
Coup de Vieux (2002)
L'Ami Hollandais, Jef Last & André Gide (2005)
Les merveilleuses aventures de Sire Aimant de Ferraille (1999)
La Vague à L'Âme (2008)
Plan Delta (1986 as former member of Tuxedomoon)
Les Gallets (2004)
Wings of Desire (1987, as former member of Tuxedomoon)