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In a few words

Ivan Georgiev

Pianist from an early age, composer since his early teens, Ivan Georgiev's career began as a touring musician.  This gave him the opportunity to approach film music with directors such as Wim Wenders and Bob Visser. From 1997 on, he decided to focus mainly on European creative documentaries.

Many productions later, Ivan redirects his effort toward feature and animation films, with a more ambitious style of scoring for symphonic orchestra.  Collaborators include Dada Studios and the brilliant musicians of Ictus Ensemble.


As a side gig, Ivan composes and performs under the alias EWAN. His first album Back On The Roads Of Time is available on Freaksville Records.

The musicians

Recording at the Dada Studios in Brussels,

here with part of our favourite team :


George van Dam  (violin), Erwin Liénart (violin), Aurélie Entringer (viola), Sergei Istomin  (cello) &

Guy Danel (cello).


We work with all sections of a traditional symphonic orchestra, and any instrument relevant for the score.


In the past, these musicians have interpreted Ivan's scores: Brieuc Angenot, Jean-François Assy, Fabrizio Cassol, George van Dam, Catherine Delaunay, Dirk Descheemaeker, Eric Dory, Stéphane Ginsgurgh, Adrien Lambinet,  Gino Lattuca, Claudine Steenackers, Stéphane Mercier, Igor Semenoff, Mayan Smith, François Verrue, ...

Tuba brass instrument. Wind music instru
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